
Sunday, November 20, 2016


Thanksgiving is the time of the year where we reflect on our many blessings that God has given us. I have so many blessings to be grateful for.  I have a wonderful husband that loves and adores me and I love him tremendously.  We are blessed with six beautiful children that strive everyday to do what is right.  I am surrounded by wonderful and caring family, friends, church members and patriots.  I am so grateful for each and everyone of them.  I am grateful for the patriot community that have done so much for our family and others during this time of need.    I am grateful that we have shelter, food and clothing.  I am grateful for this Country and thankful for the men and women who protect our freedoms.  I am thankful for all of your prayers and fasting on our families behalf.  I am grateful for the letters of encouragement that you write to my husband and myself.  I am thankful for the gospel and its teachings. I am grateful for God and thankful for all of the tender mercies that he has granted to our family.

But even though we have been blessed tremendously there is still one more blessing that I want more than anything and that is to have my dear sweet husband come home. We miss him extremely bad and cry for him daily.  Our hearts are torn without him.  Please continue to pray for this blessing for him to be able to come home and all of the other political prisoners can also go home to their families.

The upcoming holidays will be a challenge on our family.  I know with our Heavenly Father's help and family and friends that we somehow will make it through the Holidays.  But I cried on Halloween so I am sure I will cry again on Thanksgiving.  I can't imagine what Dave and the other political prisoners feel like during the Holidays.  It must be so hard for them to not be home with their little children and spouses.  Please continue to pray for them.

The kids and I so wanted to make Dave his favorite pies which are cherry and coconut cream.  But of course the detention center where Dave is will not allow that.  I pray that they will at least serve them a piece of pie and real turkey (not soy) on Thanksgiving Day.  So the kids and I had to come up with some creative ways to tell Dave we love him and Happy Thanksgiving.  In the detention center you are only allowed to send letters, pictures or soft covered books from an online bookstore.  So we decided to take a big picture of us holding up a message for Dave.  We also decided to make him a blessing tree with all of our fingerprints on the tree.  We assigned each child a color so their dad would know what fingerprint was theirs.

Our family wishes all of you a Happy Thanksgiving and always remember that there is always something to be grateful for.  I thank God everyday for all of you that have blessed our family tremendously.  May God bless each and everyone one of you and your families. 

Love, The Dave Bundy Family


  1. I am thankful for you and your family in our lives. We love you!

  2. Love the beautiful photo and what an amazing tree! Dave will be touched beyond words. I can just see him touching his finger tips to those of your children, comprising the tree leaves.There are no grater blessings than our children and grandchildren. Not a day goes by that I haven't lifted for your husband/daddy up to our LORD in prayer. You may be sure I will add your specific requests to my prayer list. With loving care and concern, Rita (Meridian, Idaho)
