
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Our visit to our Daddy!

A couple weeks ago the children and I were able to go down to Pahrump, Nevada to visit Dave at the Southern Nevada Detention Center where he is locked away from his family.

The visit is through a monitor like the picture below.  Each inmate is allowed one visit per week which is one hour long. Inmates can request an extended visit for visitors traveling from out of the state. Extended visits must be approved prior to the visit. Since we live in Utah we were able to get an extended visit. 

I am so grateful for these extended visits which end up being a two hour visit.  Each of our six children are able to have twenty minutes by themselves to talk with their Dad.  It was great to see Dave but it was also extremely hard at the same time.  We just want to touch him and give him lots of hugs and kisses.  The kids and I asked Dave if he wanted us to sing a song to him.  He of course said yes and we started to sing I am a Child of God.  Dave immediately broke down into tears and couldn't stop crying.  This literally crushed all of our hearts.  I looked at each of our children who were all crying and I could see the sadness in their faces.  We were able to sing several more songs to him and ended in a family prayer. 

As we were driving away from the detention center our daughter, Maysa started to bawl.  I asked her what was wrong and she said,  "I have never seen my dad like that before.  I have never seen him crying like he did."  I told her that her dad felt the spirit and was so grateful that he has been blessed with such a wonderful family that he loves so much.

When I got back to Utah there was a letter for me in the mailbox from Dave.  He said, "My dear sweet love.  I too enjoyed our visit.  It was bitter/sweet.  Bitter because I can't hold you and our kids and I see the pain and confusion in their eyes.  Sweet because you came to see me and I got to hear your voices.  I thank Heavenly Father everyday for the family he has blessed me with."

During this month of November, please remember each and everyday to be grateful for everything you have.  Especially be grateful for your families and loved ones.  Always love one another and be thankful for each other.  Please continue to pray for all of the political prisoners and their families. These next couple of months are not going to be easy for them to be separated from each other during the holidays.  If you are able to lighten their loads either through service, prayer or donations that would be wonderful.   May God bless you all and your families for your love and support to all of us.


  1. Marylynn, my heart is heavy each day for this great injustice to your husband and family. I will continue to pray for him to be able to return to you and your children, for your lives to go forth together full of joy and peace. I'm grateful for a strong example of a righteous priesthood holder. Love you.

  2. Sending all Bundys love and courage to win their cases. Patriots are turning this country around.... Peace and the best outcome in our futures!

  3. Working on the donations part. We got your back ;-)
