
Sunday, May 15, 2016

Big Day Tomorrow

I took my children down to the Henderson Detention Center in Henderson, Nevada so they could have a video visit with their dad.  Sunday is a very busy day for visits.  We had (2) twenty minute visits.  But we had to wait in line and signed up for the first 20 minutes and then had to go wait in line for 45 minutes until we could use the next 20 minutes.  It was great seeing Davy.  He looked good and seemed to be in good spirits.  We talked about our big day tomorrow.  Davy has court tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. for his pre-trial release.  We have a good feeling about tomorrow.  We will be fasting as a family and will be praying for our lawyer to be able to speak the truth and what is in his heart, the judge to do what is right and make the right judgment and the prosecutors that their hearts will be softened and their tongues will be tied.  We ask that you all join us in prayers tonight and tomorrow.

As I was at the Detention Center I was also able to meet David Toiler who is the Corrections Lieutant.  He told me that he had a nice visit with my husband and I thanked him for treating him good.  We also got to visit with Cliven.  It was good for the kids to get to see their Grandpa.  He looked good and was really cute with the kids.  He always waves goodbye to each kid.

I know that miracles can come through the power of faith.  These can come by each of us being faithful individuals and praying to our Heavenly Father.  In the Book of Mormon Nephi taught, "yea, unto every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, working mighty miracles, signs, and wonders, among the children of men according to there faith."   Friends, please pray and have faith that Dave Bundy will be released tomorrow.  I love you all and I am so grateful to have such wonderful family and friends.

Corrections Lieutenant


  1. Prayers from NM. We love and stand shoulder to shoulder with you. Susan Moore

    1. Thank you for praying for us all the way from NM. May God bless you also.

  2. Your family as well as the families of all who are imprisoned are in our prayers tonight. May your compassion and love be felt tomorrow by those present. May their hearts feel and their ears hear.

    1. Thank you for thinking of us. We still need lots of prayers.

  3. My heart and prayers are with you!

    1. Thanks Janae. We feel your prayers.
      Please keep praying.

  4. As a US citizen, I stand firm in saying this is unjust! This man needs to be freed! Majority of his peers agree! We stand for his immediate release! Had there been a trial, he would be free! Government does not have the right to go against it's citizens in our country! FREE DAVE BUNDY!!!!

    1. Thank you and I wish he was free but it didn't happen today.

  5. I published the following on Carol's FB site today. Anyone who wishes to use my comments is free to use them in any way desired...
    "Robert Deihl Outstanding, convincing, and I hope convicting. Crescent Hardy, you have the position now to effect change not only with your constituants in Clark County, but with the entire United States and its territories. I expect you to honor the oath you took when you were elected to the Congress, just as I am honoring the oath I took when I entered the US military back in 1958. I stood by the Bundys here in Clark County during the BLM attack two years ago. I stand with them still. Sir, you have an obligation not only to them, but even to our founding fathers, the writers of the inspired Declaration of Independence and the Constitution for the United States. It is a heavy burden, but it is only right for you to join our efforts. You will probably be ostracized by many other congressmen, but they are WRONG. Your participation in righting the wrong piled upon this God-blessed land is a heavy but necessary obligation as our elected leader. We the People will be watching. What we ask is your intervention in the gradual erosion of our rights."
    Robert Deihl
